Getting Started
Install Intro.js

Install Intro.js

On this page we have outlined several different ways to obtain and install an Intro.js version.


Intro.js doesn’t have any dependencies and you don’t need to install anything else. Follow the instruction in next steps to download and install Intro.js.


You can obtain your local copy of Intro.js from:


Download it from CDN:


Using npm:

npm install intro.js --save


Using yarn:

yarn add intro.js


Download the source from our git repository using git clone Git repo (opens in a new tab)

We don’t recommend downloading directly from GitHub because the latest changes are still in beta and have not been tested yet for instability issues.


Intro.js consists of JavaScript and CSS files that need to be linked externally in the HTML page. The JS (intro.js) file should be linked before the closing </body> tag. The CSS file (introjs.css) needs to be linked in the <head> of the HTML page.

That’s it! To continue, follow the next steps or go to the Quick Start page.


You can use Intro.js for RTL websites as well (e.g. Farsi). Simply add introjs-rtl.css file after the main CSS file (introjs.css) in the <head> section of the HTML page.